
How QUPI Helps You


If you’re not yet familiar with QUPI, our app is an expansive medical question bank with over 10,000 practice questions from every area of medicine. Very often, medical students are thrown into deep water with an overwhelming amount of subjects and no instructions on how to study efficiently. Using the QUPI app you can achieve better learning retention, allowing you to recall information during a difficult exam without a problem. Whether you’re struggling with microbiology, anatomy, pathology, psychology, or any other area of your medical studies - QUPI can help you achieve better grades. What do we offer to ensure this?

With so many different examinations and procedures that medical students all over the world have to pass, it can be challenging to create one, single solution that will fit all. Instead, QUPI allows you to create your own quizzes from practice questions saved onto our expansive medicine question bank. You can easily customize your quizzes to help you with a wide variety of medical examinations - be it USMLE, MRCP, MCCQE, or any other exam.

Are you preparing for your finals? We have prepared our offer to reflect your needs. QUPI can help you with both parts of the examinations. In most universities around the world, medical finals consist of a written test and practical examination. The written examination will test your knowledge of the entire curriculum of your medical studies - which is often an insurmountable feat for many students. Moreover, most questions, even though they are very often in the Best of Five format, feature answers that can all be plausible - however, one of them will be clearly more fitting than the others. This further increases the difficulty of the exam.

One of the best methods of improving your grades as a medical student is to find a method of learning that works for you. Unfortunately, most medical schools around the world do not teach the students how to study, only providing them with the raw knowledge found in medical books. This creates a challenge, especially for first-year students, who do not yet know how to study efficiently and can find the sheer amount of material overwhelming. If that’s the case for you, we invite you to read our blog which contains a variety of tips and learning tricks that will help you get better at studying. Before trying to absorb the actual knowledge, learn how to do it in the optimal way!

While you may think that learning tricks won’t help you during the practical part of the finals, as you will need more than just book knowledge to pass, they can certainly help. Even though you will be interacting with patients and providing medical examinations, prescriptions, and recommendations - knowing what to say in a specific case is still most of the work. With an advanced question bank for medical students - such as QUPI - you can get familiar with proper procedures and requirements which will help you pass the practical exam.

All around the world, apart from passing your finals, you will also need to pass a very specific examination in order to receive your practice licence. Examinations such as MRCP, USMLE, MCCQE, and others, are widely known for their high difficulty level, stressing out students all over the globe. These examinations often feature many steps, all with slightly different requirements and format. Once you pass one step, you will be able to proceed to another. Retaking such an exam can very often be highly expensive, so preparing well is crucial. On our blog, you will find entries that explain these procedures and help you prepare for the exams - make use of the tips and tricks we provide and you’ll be sure to pass!

Whichever examination you are preparing for, QUPI can help you improve your memory and increase knowledge retention, which translates directly to better grades and pass rate of medical students. Our application is designed by medical students for medical students - we know your struggles and we want to help. If you’re interested, we invite you to try our Free 7 Day Trial and give QUPI a try!



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