
How to Study Biochemistry?

Biochemistry takes matters down to the molecular level. It’s all about the enzymes and reactions and every bit of detail around it. Basically, you get to learn about how the complicated machinery of the body is kept in constant motion. The subject can be one of the easiest you have ever studied or one of the hardest, all depending on how you take it. A major factor that is important when studying this subject is correlating. You may not know it at first, but all the cycles link together and it’s this aspect that is usually tested. This is why even after memorizing cycles repeatedly, without the critical co-links, finding answers to the test can be challenging. Here we present some easy ways that you can counteract this problem.

Flow charts

One great way of learning the cycles as well as the links between them is by making flow charts. Get all the cycles on a large chart and then join the links in between to create a visual representation of the words in the textbook. This will allow you to memorize the whole process as a whole and will also introduce the links to you so that you know how they are connected.

Repeated revisions

Biochemistry is a volatile subject and unless you repeatedly analyze the information and learn it frequently it’s hard to remember. You need to put the entire chapter together countless times and learn all the information repeatedly to be able to perform well on the test. It may seem ominous at first, but after a couple of revisions, things simplify and get much better. In the end, you may be able to revise whole sections without effort.

Medical terminology quiz

More than half of biochemistry is about learning what the words mean. Once you get the basic meanings down, understanding its function is the easy part. A great way to do this is by using a medical terminology quiz that assesses all the complicated names of the topic. This constant recall makes it easier for you to learn and remember the problematic names in the long run.


Some aspects of the book like nutrient deficiencies and important enzymes can be learned by putting them on flash cards. Recalling information from scratch will help your brain stir up all the information solidifying the synapses to create the long-term memory. Flash cards are helpful in a number of scenarios and they can work great for biochemistry too.

A medical student is usually bothered by the complex interactions of biochemistry. However, if you follow these steps, you are sure to Ace the subject. Not only will it be easier to learn, but it will also guarantee you great marks on the very next topic or sure!

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